The sila provides the output of the remaining grains. It has 360 ° rotation feature. The reducer will have a powerful motor belt pulley of approximately 2.2kW 186d / d or more, brushed and coal eleCatalog-TRic transmission system to prevent cable sprung. Coil systems attached to bottom scraper systems prevent cable sprains and wheel skids with min 8 cycles and at the same time the steel material is prevented from contracting. Spiral sheet: 185x185x48 mm. Wall thickness: 3.2mm Reinforced main frame: 4mm. The length will be appropriate to the silo diameter. The sweeping screw conveyors used to evacuate the silos will be one for each silo and will be supplied and installed in a continuous manner in the silos. The conveyors, each of which will provide the overall capacity, will be strong and specific, capable of moving under the remaining grain burden following the discharge of the grain in the hopper. Screw screw shall be pulled from St52 steel sheet and welded onto the shaft. The screw shaft shall be manufactured from St52 or equivalent steel drawn pipe.